Scientists have begun to reverse engineer the brain, and are also working to discover the mathematics used by the body in the generation and processing of biological signals. Here is a video where a researcher describes their investigation into the mathematics behind how the brain ‘saves’ information. Here are some rather interesting articles:
- Researchers are dissecting brains, slicing them into super tiny sections that can be imaged under an electron microscope, and then stacking the images atop each other in an attempt to re-construct the physical interconnections of all of the brain’s pieces. This is giving them insight into how the brain works, functionally.
- Researchers have been able to translate recorded EEG and MEG into speech that was generated by the brain (reverse engineer brain signals into speech)! Here is another article where researchers at the US University of California were able to translate brain waves into speech. Another like article here.
- A researcher was able to reverse engineer the signals traveling from the eye to the brain, determining the ‘code’ generated by the eye and later ‘decoded’ by the brain. The scientist was able to encode images into neuron pulses that could be understood by an animal brain. Here is another paper from another researcher.
- Another research team was recently able to determine how the brain recognizes what the eye sees using mathematics.
- When we read, the brain generates signals that scientists are now able to decode back into words and speech. Here is another article, and here is the science journal.
- Scientists reconstructed speech from the Auditory Cortex.
- Scientists found the neurons in the human brain that respond to pitch changes in spoken language that are essential to clearly conveying both meaning and emotion.
- When you think about something or read silently, your brain uses your “inner voice” to communicate it. Scientists were able to decode these brain signals back into spoken words (another article here, here, and here).
- Images can be reconstructed from your thoughts.
- Your dreams can be recorded (YouTube Video here).
- Scientists have begun work on a “Matrix” approach to learning, almost like in the movie, “The Matrix”.
- Our moods have even begun to be decoded! A team used an algorithm to sort through an individuals brain wave data to identify the activity associated with mood change.
- Scientists have identified which neurons are responsible for ‘attention’ in mice, and manipulated them to enhance their attention.
- Researchers were able to find the seat of consciousness in monkey brains (awake / state of anesthesia).
- It might be possible to derive a persons true intentions – their motives – purely based on the regions of the brain activated during the thought process.