Advanced Science Topics and Thought

Describing how the brain actually processes thoughts is incredibly complicated, so I’m going to ease you into this.

Low Level Thought Processing (Basics)

In the knowledgebase article regarding how the brain works it was mentioned that the brain has different regions (sections) performing different functions, and that the nervous system connects each organ to the brain. To ensure that each section of the brain can discern their specific “inputs”, each section of the brain performs specific operations and operates at different frequencies, and are also partially electrically isolated from the other sections of the brain. This allows signals to be processed in the “correct” area of the brain without “interfering” with other areas while still allowing overall “information flow” throughout the brain. Most of the organs are connected to different locations on the brain, and at each of those connection points that section of the brain “processes” the received information and “produces” a result, with this result then being sent to other areas of the brain for further processing. This process continues through the hierarchy of the brain until it reaches the Thalamus.

Here is an interesting video showing how you can use fMRI to see brain activity (thoughts, emotions, pain) as it occurs.  A team of researchers used fMRI to follow a thought through the brain.

Higher-level Thought Processing And Output / Response (Basics)

The thalamus is located in the middle and on both sides of the brain and acts as a relay station between the different parts of the brain, processing sensory inputs (such as vision, touch, and hearing), and is also involved in directing the focus of our attention (screening out distracting stimuli).  Eventually, all processing is passed over to the cerebral cortex, which is connected to the spinal cord – so that they body can produce a reaction to all of the stimulus (inputs).

Most people become conscious of their thoughts at the same ‘point’ in the brain. It is interesting to note that the brain considers a number of inputs when making a decision, even those that we are not consciously aware of! For instance the act of hearing is a combined effort that includes the ears, the eyes, and the skin! (second article here). On a bit of a side note – it is interesting that people interpret the act of thinking as listening to their ‘inner-voice’ or via imagery.

And while most areas of the brain are focused on processing specific information, some parts of the brain can do two things at once – for example an area of the brain called, “Broca’s area”, can process language and music at the same time (which if you think about it makes sense because WE have defined the difference between musical sounds and the sounds of speech – there wouldn’t be a ‘difference’ if we spoke using musical sounds). Some sections of the brain work together to process thoughts (second article here).

It makes sense that the brain would, in an attempt to be as efficient as possible, use ‘common circuits’ while processing thoughts. For example, when you read silently the part of your auditory cortex that usually responds to speech is also used to process written words as if they were spoken (your inner voice) [another article here]. I remain curious as to what other brain ‘circuits’ function in the same way.

Information Flow Through The Brain (Basics)

So, a logical question to ask is how do the different brain sections connect with each other / work with each other?  Here is an interesting look at how the various sections of the brain communicate with each other – Glass Brain. How do basic nervous system ‘inputs’ become conscious thought? The answer is that each of the main sections of the brain communicate with the other sections in such a way that could be compared to that of a computer network, with the brain having a small number of “control nodes” that communicate with each other. This can all be combined to describe the most current theory of how overall thought processing occurs in the brain. Essentially, the brain processes information in a hierarchical fashion, meaning that sensory information is processed by a part of the brain with the result being passed to a “node” which is then processed by another part of the brain – with this process continuing throughout the nodes in the brain until it reaches the section(s) where it can be consciously perceived by the person. It is at this time that a “final conscious decision” is made and the responses can be generated. Note that these brain nodes communicate information in a pattern which is common to each of us (hence why they are called, “common codes”).

In order to process the information received from the various organs in the body the brain uses several frequency bands to regulate the flow of information between “lower” and “higher” areas in the brain.  Therefore, information is processed from either the “bottom-up” or the “top-down”.  A working example: in the visual system information enters through the eyes and flows from lower to higher visual processing areas in the brain (i.e. “bottom-up”).  In other words, sensory input is continuously processed by the brain using the bottom-up principle as soon as a person observes something. Here is an article that describes how the act of thinking causes different frequencies to arise in the brain, which could help the brain to focus on only those memories and capabilities that are relevant to current activity or thought processing. Here is a chart outlining some research of the frequencies generated by the brain as it enters into different states. Here is another supporting article that advises how mice brains ‘shifted frequencies’ from 35Hz to 60Hz when they switched between their ‘left and right’ turn memory or referencing landmarks while navigating a maze.

Scientists reviewed the most basic electrical parts of the brain: how they are physically interconnected and where they are physically located, and then used algebraic mathematics to determine how these elements could work together to further “process” information (The Cell).  The results seemed to point to the brain being capable of creating structures up to eleven dimensions! The paper is complicated, but does I’d like to review one very important abstract it presents – how do you retain memories; for instance if I asked you to think about the last time you were at a campfire, I’m sure you’d instantly think about how you felt overall. Then as you continued to think about it you would recall individual things, such as how big the fire was, how hot it was, how the flame looked in comparison to the sky / pond / lake, the people you were with, etc.. And if I asked you to, then I’m sure you could break each of those things down into other memories – like who each person is, where they live, etc., etc.. This is kind of like the ‘dimensions’ mentioned in the above paper.

“Big Data” has enabled a University of Massachusetts Amherst professor, Hava Siegelmann, to use fMRI data from tens of thousands of patients to better understand how thought arises from brain structure.

How Does The Brain Prioritize Thoughts? (Basics)

Continuing with the above, the brain determines that one piece of information is more important than another using the “top-down” principle, and it uses previous experiences to organize information in the present context and to make predictions.  The “top-down” flow therefore influences the “bottom-up” flow and steers our attention towards things that are important in the current situation.  This can happen automatically, for example due to the sudden appearance of a threatening stimulus, as well as through attention (ex. when we are looking for something or following instructions).  Considering the volume of information being processed by the brain at any given moment, it is a way for the brain to bring your focus to the most important thing at any given moment.

It is thought that alpha waves enable different brain regions to ‘listen in’ on ‘like’ information. This makes sense, as there would be a need for a hierarchical, low-powered electrical system to efficiently and effectively communicate information across biological material. Here is another article that suggests that information seems to be communicated throughout the brain via a low intensity electrical field traveling at 0.1 meter per second! Here is another supporting article (on Note that there are other electrical fields generated by the brain, and scientists continue to discern what information each field carries. Having said all this, I wonder if all brain functions could be described by quantum sciences, and if these generated frequencies are merely the result of the brains overall electrical activity?

What Are The Principles Behind The Brain’s Functioning And How Does It Make Complex Decisions? (Basics)

Here are some interesting articles that help you understand how the brain performs these functions:

How Does The Brain Work? (More Advanced)

Building on all the above, basically our brains are an intricate network of neurons and synapses transmitting electrical signals that become memories, commands, and ideas. And when these neurons transmit data back and forth, they in turn create brain waves, or synchronous oscillations that aggregate and transfer information across different segments of the brain.

Every brain shares a common architecture that enables us to store and process raw information from our senses through to some sort of completion – such as the interpretation of a complex visual image, a reaction, or memory storage, etc. In every brain: information is stored in the same location, is processed in the same locations, and the ‘results’ are made available to the same locations in the brain for actioning.

The brain processes information in a hierarchical fashion, meaning that sensory information is processed by one part of the brain with the result then passed to a “node” which is then processed by another part of the brain – with this process continuing throughout the nodes in the brain until it reaches the section(s) where it can be consciously perceived by the person. It is at this time that a “final conscious decision” is made and the responses can be generated. Note that these brain nodes communicate information in a pattern which is common to each of us (hence why they are called, “common codes”). Here is an article that shows how a team worked to decode how the brain “pieces” the information that it stores together.

This implies that the information processed by the brain changes in type and complexity, becoming more specific along the way. For example, we know that words and images trigger specific neural reactions. The word ‘cat’ when heard is translated by the ear from mechanical vibrations into electrical signals, which then triggers the parts of the brain responsible for the concept of a ‘cat’, which would then be presented to a different part of the brain for processing. While there may be millions of neurons required to interpret the signals from the eyes as being that of a ‘cat’, and the ears to interpret the ‘meow’ sound, and the nose recognizing the cat odor, as the brain processes this information through the nodes it is eventually reduced to just three items – the cat is visible, has meowed, and the familiar odor is present.

Therefore, our life experiences (the environment that we are subjected to) is superimposed onto this common architecture for processing by the brain. What makes us each unique is our finite biological makeup (the subtleties of the development of our brain), our body chemistry, and our life experiences.

Therefore, if you could detect (read) the biological signals present at these different nodes in the brain hierarchy, then you would be able to decode the information being processed at the different levels of the brain – from the most basic (sensory) to the more complex (conscious thought).

Your brain processes most sensory information prior to your having become aware of it. Take for instance your eyes – your brain processes the information from your eyes (sensory), but you are not aware of this immediately – you only become aware once the signals have reached the part of your brain that you are conscious of and have filtered out the “noise”. In one experiment it was found that a computer reading biologically generated signals could detect that person’s decision prior to the person being aware that they had even reached a decision! Here is a humerus example, provided by Moran Cerf during a Ted Talk. It would be therefore possible for us to extract biologically generated signals, have them analyzed by computers, and have the results prior to our even being aware of any decisions having been made. This idea can also be connected with memory, where it has been found possible to create memories without having actually experienced anything related with them – just like in the “Matrix” movies!

Do We All Think Alike? Are Our Brain Patterns Essentially The Same?

Yes! Our bodies are all essentially the same, having the same basic shape, limb count and placement, and with our nervous systems coursing throughout the body in common routes and connecting up to the brain at common locations. That we all share the same fundamental commonalities between our bodies and brains is not a new idea – take for example that we all share the same benefits of taking medications – or that psychotropic drugs usually affect our moods in the same way! While we will have differing levels of effectiveness or may have side-effects, only a minority will not see the same intended benefits.

You can adjust anyone’s morality by placing a specifically-tuned pulsed magnet on a specific spot on their head! Scientists have been able to find generalized patterns that exist in every person’s brain which can be used to identify what a person is thinking about with 100% accuracy! (Here is another article) This means that we no longer have to train computers to detect each person’s specific thought patterns in order to detect the thought!! What does that mean? It means that if I ask you to think about a light-bulb, house, or hammer, then your brain will (with minor deviance) use the same patterns as mine will, or anybody else’s, in creating that thought. This means that once the pattern is discovered and recorded for just one person, then that same pattern can be applied to everyone else.

With everyone’s brain having the same essential physical shape, and electrical design, and functional break-out, one could think it should be quite possible to extract higher-level thoughts using the same methodology. This would mean that you could extract high-level thoughts from a person, merely be recording and looking for common patterns behind the electrical signals that are generated by the thought process. And, this would imply that you could extract and decode complex thoughts using a significantly less bandwidth than prior anticipated.

Are Brain Waves, Heart Beat Patterns, and Other Bodily Functions Unique?

YES! No two people are exactly alike. Even twins will have different distinct cognitive functionality due to the random nature of cellular growth / death, and especially per their unique life experiences. It is not even a question nowadays that everyone’s heartbeat and brain waves are unique (more articles here, here, here, here, here, and here).  Binghamton researchers have developed an EEG “brain-print” system that can identify people with 100 per cent accuracy, according to a recent study.  In this study, the team determined that the electrical structure of the brain is what makes each brain unique. And here is another article from another research team – and a team in Greece, who also investigated this concept. Berkeley, a university in the USA, has also performed research on this and developed a one-step, three-factor authentication method using ear-buds that could be used in consumer devices.

So then what makes each person unique? Well, first no two people are exactly the same (cell count, body shape, size, etc.). Plus everyone’s biologically generated signals and frequency will be slightly different due to their biological make-up, body / brain / internal organ shapes, and their perception of life events. For instance, testing has shown that every person generates unique brain and heart signatures. It has even been found that your genes also play a part in making your brain wave patterns unique. And, everyone’s vocal system is unique. Therefore, all of the biological signals generated by the body will also be unique. Also helping is that we are able to determine a person’s sex purely using brain scans!

Are Some Brains Are Better Than Others?

Though we are all taught that we are all the same and equals – science has proven that we are not!  Depending on how your brain is wired, you may be better at some tasks than other people. Researchers at Yale University in the US have found that images of brain activity taken by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can be correlated to your level of intelligence.  While fMRI data doesn’t simply indicate how smart you are, connectivity patterns in brain activity do correlate to how well people perform in an intelligence test, according to the researchers.  “The uniqueness seems to be tied to cognitive function in some way,” said Poldrack, with stronger connections in participants’ prefrontal and parietal lobes correlating to better intelligence test scores.


Research into what makes us ‘conscious’ continues to be on-going, but a team of scientists discovered that consciousness seems to be controlled by three neurons.  During a woman’s treatment for epilepsy, electrodes were placed near a brain region called the “claustrum” and noticed when they were stimulated she stopped reading and stared blankly into space.  She didn’t respond to voice or gestures, and her breathing slowed.  When the stimulation was stopped, she regained consciousness and had no memory of the lost period.

Studies on mice have found that there are three giant neurons emanating from the claustrum, which connect to many regions in both hemispheres of the brain.  One of those neurons wraps around the entire brain like a ‘crown of thorns’.  It is believed that the giant neuron may be coordinating signals from different brain regions to create consciousness [Sources: Nature, Quartz, New Scientist]. There is also the possibility that Quantum Biology can assist us in our understanding of how the brain generates consciousness.