Government Corruption

In a post a while back, I asked people for help in determining which political party was the most corrupt, using AI and news articles from ‘trustworthy’ news sites. Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, it would seem that the questions are becoming answered. I watched his statement regarding the election process, and was appalled at how quickly news agencies showed their bias:

Even if half of what has been said is true, then the voting system needs an overhaul. It’s funny how the same voting system we were told when the Democrats were voted out was so defective and connected to the Russia, suddenly works great and has little issues.

Using The Government Spy Systems To Detect Criminal Activities

As we are all aware, Canada is part of the “Five Eyes” intelligence community and thus has access to all of the monitored communications. As I understand, this collective information is being used to monitor communications that could be related to #terrorist activity, and uses #ai to assist (and also bypass #privacy concerns). Unless I am mistaken, I had read an article stating that this information was used to detect the communications prior to an attack and was used to help identify those responsible.

Therefore I wonder why, with Organized Crime’s penetration into the Canadian and US economies having become such a serious #threat to our economies and their grip on our political system, why this same approach is not being used to help #detect their activities (drugs, money laundering, human trafficking, etc.).

I am aware that criminals use the same language evasion techniques as terrorists, so an adaptive system would need to be employed. I wonder as to if it would be easier to detect organized crime’s communications, as there is less terrorist communication activity per event (less events) compared to that of organized crime’s activity.


Using AI To Detect Government Corruption

People talk about US government corruption, and news agencies taking political sides and promoting news for aligned political parties / interests. Individuals such as Liz Wheeler promote legit news that the news agencies will not / do not publish or promote as it goes against their political interests / objectives.

This makes me wonder as to if there is a political party that is more corrupt than the rest? Or if there is a type of corruption that is more rampant between them.

I would be very interested if anyone knows of a website that lists news articles about government corruption, and the affiliated party.

If not, then would anyone be interested in making one? I would suspect this could be accomplished using a machine learning system, combined with AI – after all the news has already been published by someone – it just may not have been published by one of the major news agencies. News providers are ranked for accuracy, thus the sources could be qualified based on the agencies ranking.
