Using AI to Detect Organized Crime’s Communications

Organized Crime is a threat to our National Security

Various countries and states have recognized organized crime as being a threat to their National Security, or very close to. For instance, here in Canada the RCMP’s top Mafia-hunter advised that the Mafia organization called the ‘Ndrangheta had been raised to a “Tier 1” National Threat.

Telephone Communications

It is well known that the US Government has the ability to eavesdrop in our voice and fax communications. First was Echelon, a spy system that was shared by the US with other allied countries. It was capable of recording conversations that could be reviewed at will. Following this was Mystic, which was capable of recording an entire country’s communications and storing them for 30 days – this is only limited by the storage capacity of the Department currently running the project!

In some cases, collected information was used to help detect or determine those responsible for, or having knowledge of, terrorist attacks. This was determined through an examination of telephone calls made prior to the attack – ‘spikes’ in the number of, or location of, telephone calls made around the globe.

But now it is known that the US Government has been tracking communications since the early 1980’s, at first primarily to track the drug cartels, and then later to help with on-going high level investigations, and now terrorist activities.

Movement to Internet Based Communications

But just as with us, organized crime has also expanded on its capabilities and tech savvy. They have moved away from telephony communications and now focus on Internet tools – using chat, instant messenger, and other forms of communications.

Building Custom Applications / Tools

It is known that Terrorists, of which Organized Crime is becoming partnered with, is using tools such as GMail, Yahoo, Facebook, and Twitter to communicate through. As well, a short while ago it was found they were using their own “customized” tools to communicate. Terrorists created an encrypted email application called “Mohahedeen Secrets”, a mobile app called “Tashfeer al-Jawwal”, and an Android-based news app called “Alemarah”.

Considering the longevity that Organized Crime has had, and their long-term and stable profits, I wonder if they have also done the same? If so, how would you detect new forms of digital communications? Or find ‘hidden messages’?

Detect Hidden Data / Information – A Partial Solution

In an attempt to instantiate a system to help thwart these types of threats, Darpa created Memex, which serves to index information that is not currently being indexed by search engines. While a step forward, this has done only a little in the ability to map out the Internet, and bring to light some criminal activity (that could have been detected via other means). The real question becomes, “How do we find Organized Crime’s networks, network traffic, and messages on the Internet”?

Potential Full Solution

The NSA can break almost any data encryption methodology currently in use today. Even the anonymity and IP protection provided by TOR has been compromised. Considering the credible threat Organized Crime provides, I wonder if we should monitor, or better yet record the data present on the Internet and analyze it to see if there are any data patterns (representing information), hidden messages, or new communication methodologies being employed by Organized Crime to facilitate hidden communications in “plain sight”?

While the information would still need to conform to a standard TCP/IP packet, the data inside could yield anything. You could mount sniffers on routers functioning on the backbone of the Internet and use analytical software to detect new communication methods. You could extract the data in the packets and reconstruct the full data stream, to then apply pattern recognition to find hidden messages / meanings in larger data segments.

I am proposing that we create an AI that is capable of reviewing ALL of the information available on the Internet and bring to our attention only that information that is suspect for review. Of course, the response of the review would serve to ‘fine tune’ the system – serving to improve the systems ability to detect patterns or information that is meant to be hidden from us. I don’t think this would constitute a breach of privacy, as any data would only be read by an AI application – which would only be reviewed should the system detect something.

Putting perspective on this – we are at a disadvantage that must be reversed. Having the same fiscal resources, yet without the limitations imposed by a dependent public (health-care, transportation, education, etc.), Organized Crime is able to spend more money on the research of technologies that invade our privacy, gather our information, and use it to their advantage. Of course, taking advantage of the same computer exploits as Nation States, they would also be able to infiltrate our communications networks – just as we do them.

I wonder if they are also holding back on the development of privacy defeating technologies, showing us the same respect that we seem forced to show them???

Improving the Economic Health of our Nation

I believe espionage, hacking, malware, and ransomware, are being used to undermine our economy, national security, and ability to compete globally.

As I live in North America I am an advocate for the prosperity of those of us living in North America – but I do not believe it has to come at the expense of other nations. I believe, properly managed, as the economy strengthens so will its peoples, thus increasing the amount of ‘disposable income’ available, leading to greater prosperity.

In support of this, I believe there to be a few critical ‘systems’ that provide the framework necessary for prosperity:

  1. Government Services and Agencies
  2. Military
  3. Policing Services
  4. Utilities (Energy / Waste / Communications / etc.)
  5. Commerce / Trade / Foreign Ownership

Government Services and Agencies

Responsible for leading the nation and world-wide representation from a social, political, cultural, and economic view. Providing services such as health care, transportation, financial aid, and education, that are critical to daily life.

For this to work as expected, those working in these institutions must remain loyal to the nation and work towards meeting its objectives. Government agencies must work as seamlessly as possible and in the most cost effective way possible, while ensuring contracts are serviced by those sharing our loyalties

In 2010 the Canadian National CSIS Director raised concern that foreign governments were infiltrating local and provincial governments [Source: CBC News]. I am unaware of any corrective measures having been specified or enacted by the government – failing to raise the confidence level felt by anyone paying attention. More recently there was concern over Russia’s alleged interference with the recent US election, further lowering confidence in our leadership [Source: Council on Foreign Relations, CNN]. Spies also play an important role in the weakening of our government – in 2017 an expert suggested that there could be up to 100,000 foreign agents working for between 60 to 80 nations in America alone [Source: Wikipedia, CNNNY Post]. As well, foreign spy agencies are secretly recruiting students at educational institutions hoping to build long-term relationships with them [Source: New York Post, Town and Country Mag, Washington Post]. With such interference, who is to say how much turmoil felt within the government is caused by this? How much, and what type, of Intel is being leaked? What is the total financial cost associated with this?


Responsible for the nations (and allies) protection, both from a local and world-wide perspective. Those working in the military must remain loyal to the nation. They require their technologies and communication infrastructure (computers / software / weapon systems / communication devices / etc.) to have been obtained from sources allied with the nation, who are themselves secure and loyal to their nation. Tactical information must be held secret, and only available as required.

We must remember that China and the US are not allies – they merely have strong economic ties. So we should not be surprised when we discover that China manufacturers had installed a ‘back-door’ on microchips made for the US Military. Why would not this manufacturing be outsourced to an Ally [Source:, Business Insider, Cyberscoop]? Just as with the government, espionage plagues the military, with our secrets being sold or freely provided to those working against our interests [Source: RealClear Defense]. Our military strength requires that our tactics, equipment, and communications remain secure, available, and the supporting Intellectual Property (IP) remain appropriately classified and secure. It was reported back in 2016 that China has gained military strength through the stealing of US defense secrets through industrial and cyber espionage [Source: National Interest Org, Globe and Mail, Clearance].

Policing Services

Responsible for upholding law and order, from time to time working with Government Agencies to ensure that the public is safe from threats from Organized Crime and Terrorists. Investigating illegal commerce activities. Their activities work towards our prosperity and a threat-free environment in which to live and conduct business.

But in 2007 a Canadian Royal Mounted Police (RCMP) report (released under the Freedom of Information Act) found that there had been 322 incidents of officer corruption charges across 11 years [Source: CNN]. As well, as they go digital, Police departments are finding themselves vulnerable to hackers and malware – impeding their efforts [Source: CNBC, Fast Company].

Utilities (Energy / Waste / Communications / etc.)

Responsible for the provisioning of all of the critical infrastructure that the general public would deem critical for our functioning as a society. If not managed directly by our government then we would hope that those owning these resources (while we would expect them to remain profit driven) would act as agents considering our nations best interests.

A significant number of these utilities use expensive, complex, older, outdated equipment and software that was never meant to be connected to the Internet, but now is. As we’ve seen in the past few years, the threats against our Utilities has increased, with outages affecting everything from nuclear reactors, power generation and distribution stations, clean water treatment plants, communication systems, GPS systems, and etc. [Source: Hot For Security, Forbes, Utility Drive]. Other threats are not at all discussed, such as the deficiencies in the current electric utility’s business model, which if left alone could lend to its eventual failure. With the monies to be made from these utilities, I wonder as to how it is possible for those owning / funding / investing to not see the short vision offered in the business models [Source: GDS Associates].

Commerce / Trade / Foreign Ownership

Required for the nation to remain profitable both in a local economic sense and within the world economy. Considering “Free-Trade” and the low cost of off-shore production, significant economic incentive must be provided for companies to remain on our nations soil. North American companies are trying to compete in an ever changing international market. Twenty years ago industrialized nations represented two-thirds of global output, with developing nations one-third – however in twenty more years this will have reversed.

Considering this, I am amazed that our industries and commerce remain under constant threat of espionage, cyber threats, and transnational organized crime groups working to launder money through our economy, with litle or no real action in place to protect them. The theft of our Intellectual Property has long-term financial effects, yet we remain focused on storing our data on Internet based servers [ZD NET, Retail Dive, Toronto Sun, MIT Technology Review]. It would seem that those driving our economic engine may not be doing so with our best interests in mind, as advanced countries are mired with sustained slow growth as they struggle with the long-lasting legacies from recent financial crisis, unsustainable fiscal balances, and aging populations – yet refrain from implementing protectionism policies [Source: Financial Post].

Root Problems

In all the above, I believe that the following three issues are root of all the above concerns: insecure communications, poorly defined data infrastructure, and weak nation loyalty.


Businesses, financial institutions, government agencies, the military, police, and the general public (essentially the nation) needs to be able to communicate securely. A large majority of our communications is sent through the Internet, which is easily hacked – and even if security were to be immensely improved would still offer a direct connection with other nations, agencies, organized crime and terrorist groups that are working against us. Why are our communications devices outsourced to the lowest bidder? Why have we not moved our communications systems off of the Internet?

Data Infrastructure

The majority of our critical infrastructure is available on the Internet. We remain under constant threat of our infrastructure being hacked. Even our 911 services have been hacked [Source: NBC News]. Rather than addressing our reliance on an infrastructure that is available to others who are working against us, we focus on the promotion of new technologies meant to help ensure that communications on this network are secure, or technologies geared towards ensuring maximum up-time, or counter intelligence, etc.. Why would we not move our critical systems off the Internet and onto their own, safe-guarded, and physically secured network?

Nation Loyalty

Why we do not promote the generation of sustainable wealth? Why do we allow outside influences positions of power inside our governments, our corporations, our military, our education and research facilities, and our infrastructures – serving to weaken our economic, military, and government engines. If this stems from a lack of national pride – then how do we address this? Is this problem monetarily based?

I believe it’s all about money. Are we so focused on the global economy that we have lost touch on our own? It would almost appear that our Intellectual Property, assets, communications, and economy are not viewed as having any value. You would think that the people who serve to make the highest profit from our having a fruitful and productive society would be working towards this – to keep their wealth and to keep it sustainable. Yet it seems to be the other way around. Is this because those influencing or driving our economy, military, and governments are actually those who would benefit from the insecurities, economic weaknesses, and instabilities seen today?

Who Should Burden The Costs Associated With Money Laundering and Terrorism?

As in most countries, organized crime in Canada can be linked to other crime groups world-wide, some of which can be further linked to foreign governments and terrorists.  It is also known that crime groups are penetrating legit businesses, using them to launder money.  These profits are supplemented through the sale of drugs, weapons, human trafficking, and the sale of other contraband.

Therefore by extension, affiliated terrorists and other crime groups are using this additional funding to support their own illegal activities, causing damage in a multitude of levels in the countries they are operating in.

The failure of one country to aggressively eliminate these criminal activities would therefore only serve to strengthen the ‘hold’ that affiliated crime groups and terrorists have in other countries.

This makes me wonder why other countries do not hold the Canadian government partially financially responsible for the costs to police, military, the economic weakening, and any property and other damages inflicted by affiliated crime groups in their countries?  Would the grip crime groups have within economies world-wide would be lessened if financial levies were to be applied between countries sharing those crime groups.

Or perhaps on businesses?  For instance many banks are known to have laundered monies for crime groups – yet it takes years for any financial incentives to be applied against them – which never seem to have any real impact.  What if they were to be held partially financially responsible for the actions of the groups they are allowing to launder money?

It seems that we share information and technologies, and yet we lack the will to share the financial burden to eliminate these threats to our society.  Through this, they become stronger.

I offer a reminder that Organized Crime groups are currently a Tier 1 threat to Canadian National Security and is becoming a threat to the National Security of the United States and Europe.

Posted on The Intelligence Community LinkedIn group.  Read the post and all the comments here.

Could Investigators Save Time Using Artificial Intelligence to Communicate With Human Traffickers?

After reading this article about a man who helped pioneer efforts to use data mining tools to help police locate victims of human trafficking on-line, I became curious about the possibility of using Artificial Intelligence to communicate with human traffickers (arrange ‘sessions’ with victims)?

Currently, investigative units are undermanned and overwhelmed with cases, and with the help of new technologies such as DIG, they are being bombarded with more information than they can handle – considering their limited resources, and the time required to tackle each case.

With computerized voices sounding incredibly realistic nowadays, I was wondering as to whether or not AI could be programmed to communicate with traffickers in an attempt to arrange ‘sessions’ with their victims?  This would give them more time to focus on other activities leading to arrests / convictions.

I would think that AI would be able to handle conversations limited to a narrow scope range pretty well.  Vocabulary would be simple and restricted to ‘street’ type communication. Parameters could be provided (street addresses, names, where the information was sourced, etc.), so that the AI could gain trust and remain credible.

Using Articifical Intelligence to Monitor Government Spending

With all of the advancements with Artificial Intelligence, I am curious as to why government spending is not currently being monitored by AI?  I believe this would reduce the cost of oversight, while improving the ability to detect irregular transactions.

It could be incorporated into budgets, helping to enforce proper bidding, and comparing cost with those of regular business transactions, helping to reduce the amount that governments are defrauded, or transactions aimed to benefit ‘friends of government’ – or organized crime. This works to ensure that payments allocated for services to be rendered are not inflated to be above regular business – reducing costs to public services, and making instances where ‘favors’ are performed more obvious and exposed.

It could further then be used to compare the differences between amounts budgeted and payments, requiring analysis to be performed when a difference existed that was above a prescribed tolerance.

AI would be indifferent and unbiased, and would only advise of irregular transactions, thus would not require investigation to discover bias.

With such obvious benefits, I question why this is not already used?

This was posted on the “Economist of the World” LinkedIn group, and has generated some comments – click here to view them all!